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Jiangsu Joyoung Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is united to fight the epidemic
2020-11-04 Corporate News

In order to strengthen the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, ensure the health and life safety of employees and their families, and to implement the spirit of the important instructions made by General Secretary Jin Ping on the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, according to the headquarters and President Guo The company responded actively to strict prevention and control measures.
The epidemic is an order, and the company promptly communicates and implements the country's requirements for epidemic prevention and control, and actively responds to major public health emergencies. A leading group for epidemic prevention and control headed by Mr. Guo was quickly established, which consists of an office working group, a personnel information group, a factory disinfection group, an epidemic publicity group, a protective equipment logistics support group, and a canteen food safety group. The epidemic emergency plan is formulated to clarify each Group work responsibilities, coordinate and direct epidemic prevention and control work, and implement prevention and control measures.
After the outbreak, the company issued a letter of proposal to all employees, signed a letter of commitment with employees, carefully conveyed and learned knowledge about the epidemic to employees, and warmly distributed Bailing capsules and Chinese medicine decoction pieces to employees, highlighting our "Jiuyang Big Family" "The act of caring and loving employees. The company implements special personnel to track the movement and health status of employees, and at the same time arranges personnel to quickly invest in the procurement of prevention and control materials, and set up 7 temperature measurement points and 3 disinfection points in the factory and department.
The company strictly controls the door guard first, measures temperature, disinfects their hands, and distributes masks; outsiders are not allowed to enter the factory; it is required to disinfect the office area and canteen twice a day. Stick to the post, do your duty, ensure that communication, logistical support, personnel scheduling and other tasks are in place, and keep close communication with the district committee.
Doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control is the most urgent and important political task at present, and it is also the best touchstone for fulfilling the original mission. The company will strengthen its confidence, help each other in the same boat, scientifically prevent and control and implement precise policies, and be the most beautiful "retrograde".
The special period reflects the dedication and selfless dedication of Joyoung people. Together, the people of Jiuyang are united to fight the epidemic, contribute their own strength to the motherland, and praise the people of Jiuyang who are fighting on the front line!