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The 2020 EHS Work Summary Meeting and the 2021 EHS Responsibility Letter Signing Ceremony was successfully held
2021-01-13 Corporate News

At 12:30 noon on January 6, 2021, the 2020 EHS work summary meeting and the 2021 EHS responsibility letter signing ceremony were held in the meeting room on the second floor of the company. All members of the EHS committee, full-time and part-time safety officers and some union representatives participated Meeting, the meeting was chaired by Li Bing of the EHS Department.



This meeting has four main agenda items. First, EHS Manager Sun Aihua made a summary of the EHS work for 2020 and the EHS work plan for 2021, and made a detailed report on the EHS work for 2020. At the same time, he analyzed and reflected on the existing problems and deficiencies. , To sum up, in 2021, we will carry forward our achievements, overcome shortcomings, and do better EHS work.


At the meeting, Manager Sun announced the notice of the adjustment of EHS committee members and the 2020 EHS advanced collectives and EHS advanced individuals list. The general manager of the company, Guo Shaoding, awarded bonuses and certificates to EHS advanced collectives and advanced individuals, and Gu Liansheng, the chairman of the labor union, awarded bonuses and certificates to those who did justice. Representatives of advanced collectives and advanced individual winners made sharing speeches.


The signing ceremony of the 2021 EHS Responsibility Letter was held at the meeting. In order to ensure safe production and implement EHS responsibilities at all levels, General Manager Guo Shaoding and related functional departments, Su Yongming, vice president of production, and related production workshops, and vice president of quality Huang Ye respectively signed EHS responsibility letters with related departments of quality system.



At the meeting, President Guo affirmed the work done by the EHS Department in 2020. Under the continuous impact of the epidemic, under the increasingly severe security situation, more and more external inspections, and higher requirements, EHS The Ministry has overcome difficulties and worked hard to do all the work well, which deserves praise. Everyone is required to deeply reflect on what has not been done well in the work, strive to improve the safety awareness of employees, and continuously improve our management level. In order to strengthen the "body" managed by the company's EHS and increase immunity, Mr. Guo also gave "four prescriptions", namely "fine, specific, strict, and high". Mr. Guo requested that in the future work, we must really calm down, not let go of any hidden danger, not ignore any detail, and have the determination to become EHS management professionals or experts, and dare to take the lead and grasp it to the end. , We must have a high goal, the determination to lead Sheyang, and truly be meticulous, professional, strict and high standards.


Finally, President Guo hopes that the EHS Committee and the EHS Department in the new year will maintain a clear mind, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and maintain the perseverance and perseverance of hardships and dangers, forge ahead, and go all out and do their best. The company's business development is escorted!