>> Party building activities
Newsletter: Don’t forget the history, comfort the heroes
2021-04-16 Party building activities

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. It is forever remembering the heroes and martyrs who have made great contributions and sacrifices for national independence, people's liberation, national prosperity, and people's happiness. On March 27, 2019, when the Ching Ming Festival approaches, the Jiuyang Party Branch organized a ceremony to sweep the martyrs' cemetery.
In a solemn and solemn atmosphere, the comrades and activists of the Jiuyang Party Branch presented flowers in their hands and bowed to the revolutionary martyrs one by one. They observed a silent silence for 3 minutes and surrounded the martyrs' monument to express their respect for the martyrs.
The hero's hymn will be sung forever, and the martyr's famous name will last forever. In front of the tombstone of the martyrs, the branch secretary Gu Liansheng's speech expressed our admiration for the martyrs. History will never forget them, the Republic will never forget them, and we will never forget them.
"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's statutes..." All party members and comrades participating in the event stood in front of the tomb of the martyrs, raised their right hands together, and relived the party oath with a sonorous voice. Do not forget the original intention and keep going. Inspire party members and comrades to keep forging ahead, strive for life, always remember the oath of joining the party, spur and motivate themselves: keep promises, strict discipline, cast loyalty, behave, and take responsibility!
In the arduous revolutionary war years, in order to realize the prosperity of the country, the rejuvenation of the nation, and the happiness of the people, countless outstanding sons and daughters sacrificed their precious lives and established the immortal feats that will last forever in the annals of history. They gave their young lives for the liberation of the entire Chinese people. Party members and activists of the Jiuyang Party Branch visited the tombstone of the martyrs and learned about the life of the martyrs on the inscription. Some martyrs did not even leave their names, but this did not affect us from being deeply infected by their heroic deeds.
This memorial and sweeping activity not only expressed deep mourning and admiration for the revolutionary martyrs, but also took a solemn revolutionary tradition and patriotism education class, which strengthened the party spirit, shocked the soul, and stimulated fighting spirit. Carrying forward the spirit of the martyrs and inheriting the great deeds of the martyrs, the most fundamental thing is to solidly advance various tasks, roll up your sleeves and work hard, and fulfill the solemn promises to the party with a fuller spirit and better results. Make due contributions to Nine Suns and the motherland.