>> Party building activities
Party Membership Oath Ceremony
2023-10-23 Party building activities

On the eve of the 59th anniversary of Chairman Mao's inscription "Learning from Comrade Lei Feng", on March 4, 2022, the company's party branch held a party membership oath ceremony at the Central China Work Committee Memorial Hall. Director Xu Ailing, Section Chief Pan Hong, and two new full-time party workers Liu Yide from the Economic Development Zone participated in the event.

The swearing in ceremony for joining the Party opened in the solemn and magnificent "Internationale". Branch Secretary Gu Liansheng delivered a speech at the meeting, demanding that party members and comrades remember the history of the Party. The new China was not easy won and was bought by countless martyrs with their young lives. He promoted the spirit of Lei Feng, was willing to contribute, and made extraordinary achievements in ordinary positions.

The new party member's speech on behalf of Xu Zhugui and joining the party organization is just the first step of a communist's long march. We should continue to improve our ideological and political cultivation, conscientiously perform our obligations as a party member, follow the example of outstanding party members, and strictly demand ourselves with the progressiveness standard of party members all the time.

As an old party member, Guo Shaoding, the general manager of the company, has put forward expectations and requirements to the new party member, hoping that the new party member can continuously improve their sense of responsibility and mission towards the party's cause, and fulfill their vows with practice in their future studies, work, and life.

Director Xu of the Social Affairs Bureau of Sheyang Economic Development Zone made an important speech, saying that the swearing in ceremony of joining the Party held by Jiuyang Branch was very meaningful, requiring all party members to keep progressiveness, always remember the mission, and play a good role of vanguard and model in their work.


Faced with the bright red party flag, new party members held a solemn oath of joining the party, and old party members also revisited the oath of joining the party together. The oath of joining the Party is a form of party members expressing their willingness to assume political responsibility, firm belief in the Party, and lifelong determination to strive for the Party's cause to the Party. It is not only a necessary procedure for new party members to join the Party, but also a way to educate the probationary party members. It reflects the solemnity and seriousness of the CPC. By taking the oath of joining the Communist Party, we encourage our comrades to strictly demand themselves, remember the oath of joining the Party, and strengthen their confidence and determination to strive for the cause of communism for life.


Under the guidance of the commentator, party members and comrades visited the memorial hall, with the theme of "Striving for Victory under the Flag of the Central China Working Committee". The museum features five exhibition halls: "Dawn in the East", "Stone Breaking Sky", "Rolling Wheels", "Shining Stars", and "Crane Singing in the East". Through an exhibition line of over 500 meters, more than 1000 historical pictures, and over 200 cultural relics, supplemented by sculptures, oil paintings, sound and light, and other means, Vividly and truly showcasing the glorious journey of the Central China Working Committee, it has made an indelible historical contribution to welcoming the birth of the New China.

Through this event, Party members and comrades should always remain humble and cautious, remember the lofty ideals of communism, firmly adhere to the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, step by step move towards a better future and the highest ideal, work hard, constantly innovate, and contribute to the development of the company.


