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Newsletter: The start-up meeting of the 2020 middle and grassroots cadre training project is carried out smoothly
2020-11-04 Corporate News

In order to better implement the company’s talent development strategy and support the company’s sustainable development, the company’s human resources department held the “2020 Middle- and Grassroots Cadre Training Project Kick-off Meeting in the meeting room on the second floor at 2 pm on April 23, 2020. ". The meeting was hosted by Xiang Chongfan, manager of the human resources department, and more than 40 middle-level and grass-roots cadres attended.
The company’s chairman and general manager Guo Shaoding attached great importance to this cadre training project and personally attended the project kick-off meeting. At the meeting, Mr. Guo pointed out that the development of the company is inseparable from the middle and grassroots management cadres present, and asked everyone to continuously strengthen the improvement of management capabilities and improve the deficiencies in the management process.
Mr. Guo emphasized that the company has grown rapidly in scale since its development. To complete the transformation from a "unbranded army" to a "regular army", the joint efforts of all employees are required. As the mainstay of the company, middle-level cadres need to play a leading role, actively participate in this training project, and improve their own comprehensive management capabilities. To
At the kick-off meeting, the consultant teacher of Beisen pointed out that the talent development assessment has a great role in promoting the self-recognition and ability improvement of middle and grassroots cadres, and gave a detailed introduction to the upcoming talent development assessment work and reminded participation in the assessment. The personnel must use an objective and fair attitude to complete this work in order to make effective development evaluation suggestions to the greatest extent.
Through this meeting, middle- and grass-roots cadres have a new understanding of talent development assessment, their self-awareness is clearer, and they pay more attention to the improvement of abilities. I believe that all cadres can make full use of management knowledge and commonly used management tools in the future management process to become good assistants to superiors and excellent leaders to subordinates.