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Committed to three innovations to achieve two improvements
2020-11-04 Corporate News
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On the morning of May 19, 2020, Wang Long, vice chairman of the Yancheng City Federation of Trade Unions, and his party came to our company to inspect and guide the company’s party building and industrial construction "three innovations and two upgrades" work. Chairman Wang and his entourage visited the "Party Member Activity Room, Maternal and Child Room, Secretary, Labor Union Chairman's Studio, and Workers' Home", and listened to the company branch secretary and labor union chairman Gu Liansheng's talk about the "three innovations and two improvements" work of our company's party building and industrial construction Building progress.
The leaders of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions fully affirmed and highly praised the achievements of our company's "three innovations and two upgrades" construction work. Chairman Wang pointed out at the symposium that the construction of "three innovations and two upgrades" has greatly enriched the spare-time cultural life of employees, cultivated their sentiments, and strengthened the cohesion and centripetal force of the union organization. It has characteristics and highlights. He hopes that the union In the future, we can continue to actively explore new ways and methods for the construction of "three innovations and two upgrades", to better serve the workers and the masses, and to further enhance the vitality of trade union organizations.
Tang Zhengshan, vice chairman of the County Federation of Trade Unions, asked our company to give full play to the political core, political leading role of the party organization and the role of the bridge and bond of the trade union organization. The "Creating and Striving for Two Promotions" activity has achieved a double harvest of spiritual civilization and material civilization.
Chen Qinghong, head of the Organization Department of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Wang Min and Bian Rongzhen, chief staff members, Dong Hongyan and Tang Zhengshan, vice chairmen of the County Federation of Trade Unions, He Anping, chairman of the County Development Zone Trade Union, and You Xiaofei, Section Chief of the Organization Department of the County Party Committee, accompanied the inspection.