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The comprehensive risk assessment project kick-off meeting was successfully held
2020-11-04 Corporate News

At 9:30 am on July 9, 2020, the comprehensive risk assessment project kick-off meeting was held in the meeting room on the second floor of the company. The meeting was presided over by Gu Liansheng, director of the General Manager Office. Experts from the East China Risk Management and Audit Department and the company participated in the meeting. Personnel above Level 5 (inclusive).

At the meeting, Director Gu first introduced the work plan of the comprehensive risk assessment project and explained the key work items; Teacher Fang Zhouyi from East China Risk Management and Audit Department conducted risk management training for the participants and conducted preliminary project experience Sharing and explaining common thoughts and concerns that may arise at work; Manager Peng Haiou of the Risk Management and Audit Department made a mobilization speech for the launch of the risk assessment project, saying that risk management affects everyone’s life and work, especially There are a lot of decisions made in the work, which has a great impact on the development of Joyoung. I hope everyone will cooperate with this work.

General Manager Guo Shaoding made a concluding speech at the meeting. Mr. Guo pointed out that risk management is already a basic and core concept and important content of modern social management and corporate management. The risk management and control project is a comprehensive assessment of the internal and external factors of the company’s operation and management, which helps the company pay attention to risks, respond to risks, ensure the company’s long-term stability and sustainable development, and arrange the next step for risk identification, requiring everyone to actively accept the assessment. Truly further enhance the company, management backbone, management philosophy and awareness.