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The 3rd Fun Games was successfully held
2020-11-04 Corporate News
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On September 24, 2020, the company's labor union held the third "Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day Celebration" fun games. This activity strengthened the construction of corporate culture, spread the concept of healthy work, and strengthened the cohesion and centripetal force of the entire company.


There are three events in this games, namely collective rope skipping, tug of war and spot shooting. According to statistics, a total of 214 people from 7 branch labor unions participated in this sports meeting. After fierce competition, the first, second, and third place in each event were decided. The rankings are as follows:

Collective rope skipping:

First place: Auxiliary workshop branch union

Second place: 104 workshop sub-union

Third place: 103/106 workshop/R&D center branch union

Tug of war:

First place: Auxiliary workshop branch union

Second place: 104 workshop sub-union

Third place: 103/106 workshop/R&D center branch union

Men's fixed-point shooting:

First place: Shen Lei

Second place: Chen Lei

Third place: Xue Lei

Women's fixed-point basket:

First place: Zhang Weifei

Second place: Zhang Ling

Third place: Li Haixia

Collective skipping

Tug of War

Women's spot shooting

Men's spot shooting

With the strong support of the company's leaders and the full cooperation of members of the various labor unions, this event was a complete success. Several branch labor unions have achieved excellent results in the activities. President Su, President Huang, President Yu and President Gu presented awards to the winning departments or individuals. Through this activity, team cohesion was cultivated, the sense of collective honor was improved, and it helped employees release their passion, enhance communication, and devote themselves to various tasks with a brand-new style and high morale, which contributed to Joyoung's innovation and development.