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Newsletter: The 2020 Standard Month Activity Summary and Commendation Conference was successfully held
2020-11-04 Corporate News
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On September 10, 2020, our company held the 2020 Standard Month Activity Summary and Commendation Conference in the meeting room on the second floor. The members of the company's management team, the main persons in charge of each workshop/department, the award-winning departments and employees of the standard monthly activities participated in this meeting.

The summary and commendation conference consists of five agendas. First, Director Gu of the General Manager’s Office will make a summary report on the 2020 standard month activities, focusing on working group network improvement, plan formulation, event publicity, assessment rules formulation, daily supervision, and organization of all-employee examinations , And the main problems that exist to make an objective summary report to the participants.

Afterwards, Chai Xiaotao, Tang Jing, and Wang Guobing, respectively, as department heads, department and production workshop staff representatives, gave wonderful speeches for the standard month event. They focused on sharing and communicating with their positions, expounding the company's changes and achievements since the launch of the standard month activities, and significant improvements and enhancements have been made in all aspects of employees' daily behavior, environmental hygiene, safety management, and daily office work.

After Zhang Weifei of the General Manager's Office announced the commendation decision, the company leaders presented awards to the award-winning departments and employees.

After the exciting commendation ceremony, Mr. Guo gave instructions to speak. He first fully affirmed the achievements of this year's standard month event, and also expressed his approval of the work team's efforts in the promotion of the event. At the same time, it also pointed out that although the phased time node has passed, the working group still needs to further increase its work, strengthen the spot check and supervision of standardization knowledge mastery, and actively assist and cooperate with each workshop and department to continue to implement the standard construction quality, and continue to The various standard concepts are implemented throughout the year.

Standardized management is the key to strengthening the company's operational capabilities and improving production efficiency. Use standards to guide our work and use standards to regulate our behavior. We will take this year's standard month event as an opportunity. According to the guidance of Mr. Guo, the working group will continue to extend the activities. We firmly believe that we can only adhere to high standards. , High starting point, high-quality development, Joyoung will definitely be able to establish its own brand, so as to achieve the goal of leading the new benchmark of Sheyang enterprise.