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2021-04-16 Party building information
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In August 2018, the company's party branch was jointly named "Sheyang County Urban Party Building Training Base" by the County Party Committee Organization Department and the County Party Committee "Two New" Working Committee. Our branch is one of the first ten training bases in the county.
The company branch actively explores and implements party building work, promotes the integration of party member mission education and the construction of excellent corporate culture, the integration of party member pioneer education and business backbone team building, and the integration of life value education and enterprise production and operation, and promotes the formation of a vivid situation of party building promoting development and solid party building . Taking the "three sessions and one lesson" as the starting point, eclectic, let the party building activities "live"; actively explore, let the party building activities "fire up"; in-depth practice, let the party building activities "hot up".
This award is the county party committee’s affirmation and spur to the party building work of our branch. As the contact point of the county party committee’s "two new" working committees and the county’s city party building work site observation point, it will pay more attention to the summary and improvement of party building work and form an innovative brand of party building. We continue to practice in-depth, and work hard on the road to growth and stardom.