>> Party building information
Good news: The branch is rated as a double hundred and double thousand demonstration point    (Party branch secretary studio)
2021-04-16 Party building information

In October 2018, the company's party branch was rated as a double-hundred-thousand-thousand demonstration site by the Organization Department of the Sheyang County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China (Party Branch Secretary's Studio). This is the county party committee’s organization department in accordance with the overall requirements of the province to promote the normalization and institutionalization of "two studies, one doing" learning and education, and affirmation and commendation to the branch that has given full play to the typical demonstration and leading role in learning and education. It is the only non-public enterprise in the county. The branch that won this honor.
Since serving as the secretary of the company’s party branch, Comrade Gu Liansheng has actively explored and practiced the "three integration" party building working method based on the reality of the company’s party building, that is, promoting the integration of party member education and the company’s excellent cultural construction; the integration of party member vanguard education and business backbone team building; life Value education is integrated with enterprise production and operation. In the daily affairs of the company’s party building, the company pays great attention to the “three constructions” work, and does not stick to one pattern to make the party building activities “live”; actively explore to make the party building activities “fire up”; in-depth practice to make the party building activities “hot up”.
This time our company’s party branch was rated as a double-hundred-double-thousand demonstration site, which is the affirmation and encouragement of the Sheyang County Party Committee Organization Department of the Communist Party of China, as well as expectations and spurs. In the future party building work, we should combine our own reality, give full play to our subjective initiative, strengthen our sense of service, and use party building as a starting point to promote the healthy development of enterprises.

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