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2021-04-16 Party building information

On the eve of "July 1st", the Yancheng Municipal Committee has made outstanding achievements, made great contributions, and has extensive influence on outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grassroots in the vivid practice of "Strengthening the City by Industry, Building Ecological City, Enriching the People and Prospering the City". The party organization was commended. Comrade Gu Liansheng, secretary of the party branch of our company, won the honorary title of "Outstanding Party Worker in Yancheng City" and participated in the symposium and commendation meeting of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee.
Comrade Gu Liansheng, born in August 1964, joined the party in September 1986. Since serving as the party branch secretary of the company, based on the actual party building of the enterprise, he has actively explored and practiced the "three-in-one" party building work method. That is, to promote the integration of party member mission education with the construction of excellent corporate culture, the integration of party member vanguard education with the construction of the backbone of the business team, and the integration of life value education with the production and operation of the enterprise. In the daily affairs of the company's party building, Comrade Gu Liansheng, as the party branch secretary, pays great attention to the "three constructions" work:
One is team building. At the beginning of the reorganization of the company, there were only three party members in the company, and the activities could not be carried out normally. The branch took three measures: one was to transfer the seven party members from the headquarters to the company to enrich the party members; second, Mobilize local party members to transfer all organizational relationships from foreign units, neighborhoods, neighborhood committees, etc.; third, re-elect branch members, improve the party leadership team, improve the organization, and strengthen the company's party members. In the past two years, three key employees have been developed to join the party organization. So far, nine employees have submitted applications for party membership to the party organization.
The second is the construction of positions. The company's party branch has set up a separate activity room for party members, where the party flag, the oath of joining the party, the party's purpose, party discipline, party member rights, party member obligations, party style and clean government construction system, and "three meetings and one lesson" system are set up indoors. Equipped with information cabinets, the bookcases display learning books, periodicals and magazines, party building reading materials, and party building literature, which become the main front for party members to study and facilitate daily branch activities.
The third is infrastructure. Taking the "three meetings and one lesson" as the starting point, eclectic, let the party building activities "live". Invite experts to attend party classes; organize activities such as hand-copying the party constitution, giving party emblems, and voluntary tree planting; organize visits to the Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall and the Huaihai Battle Memorial Hall to receive revolutionary traditional education. Actively explore, let the party building activities "fire up." Set up a special unit of "Unification Activity Day" to celebrate political birthdays for party members, share the situation of joining the party, introduce learning and growth; arrange for two comrades to share their reading experience in the near future with everyone every month to promote common improvement. In-depth practice, let the party building activities "heat up." In the front line of the workshop, R&D center, and administrative positions, "Party Member Demonstration Post" and "Party Member Responsibility Area" are widely set up to create a warm atmosphere of learning and rushing to help and making progress.
This commendation is the affirmation and encouragement of the Party branch of our company by the Yancheng Municipal Committee, and it is also an expectation and encouragement. We should conscientiously implement the new development concept with fuller enthusiasm and higher confidence, roll up our sleeves and work harder, push down on implementation, and make new contributions to Joyoung's bright future!